FAQ’s Bedbugs
Q – How do you treat for bedbugs?
Standard treatment is a spray treatment of mattresses and bases, carpeted rooms, fabric covered furniture, cushions, skirting boards.
Q – How often would one spray for bedbugs
In most cases, Bedbugs need a follow-up treatment. The treatment is NOT that they disappear instantly. It takes a few days. If still there after a week, you need a follow-up. A follow up is for the hotspot areas. No need to vacate unit during treatment.
Q – Are there issues for kids or pets during treatment?
No issues for kids or pets during or after treatment, but pets should be locked away during treatment plus one hour afterwards.
Q – Is there a smell/odour after treatment
There is very little smell / odour during or after treatment.
Q – Do you treat the clothes or bed linen
No. Beds must be stripped before treatment. Bed linen and any necessary clothes must be washed on same day at as high a temperature as possible.